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Crashing This Spaceplane With No Survivors Edition

Previous: >>14168728

>Lucy's solar panel deployment issue examined: mission can proceed fine without troubleshooting. NASA still evaluating risks in trying to extend motor to force a full deployment
>Astroscale pauses debris-removal demo following "anomaly"
>China's Shijian-21 space debris mitigation satellite has docked with a defunct Chinese satellite to drastically alter its geostationary orbit to a higher graveyard orbit, demonstrating capabilities only previously exhibited by the United States.
>SpaceX completes flight of previous falcon heavy booster in a F9 core configuration

This Day in Spaceflight:
31st Jan: Ham is launched into suborbital trajectory (1961), Luna 9 performs the first ever soft landing on the Moon (1966), Apollo 14 launches (1971), Opportunity begins its mission on Mars (2004)
1st Feb: America's first satellite is launched (1958), Space Shuttle Columbia didn't fly so good (2003)