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No.14171802 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Invention of the Retro-Ferromagnet A.K.A. The Nano-Dynamo: A New Approach to Electrical Transmission with Comparable Efficiency to Superconduction/Retro-Ferromagnetically Enhanced Conduction (RFEC)

Having explored many approaches to achieving room-temperature superconduction and having found all of those approaches lacking, I have concluded that the amount of force necessary to control the spin-orientations of each electron in a series to facilitate superconduction exceeds that which can be generated through Coulomb forces generated phononically or through application of pressure through other means such as a coil. Generating the necessary force would also have the effect of breaking any atom-thickness material or lattice structure since these structures tend to be brittle, and even more durable structures would not stand up to high levels of torque. Crystal structures would shatter or would experience a morphing of their structure before generating the force necessary to bring about a charge density wave at room temperature.