No.14170815 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Our sun takes 250 million years to orbit the galaxy.

Why don't scientists talk about the possibility that gamma ray bursts & increased radiation in a certain position in the galaxy was what made the dinosaurs extinct?

If you were in a certain location in our galaxy then it stands to reason you'd be exposed to a lot of rays from galaxies beyond our own, while you might be out of their path in different orbit locations.

For a mass exctinction event of a globe spanning species that left all other species' intact, an asteroid impact doesn't make much sense, however prolonged gamma ray bursts & extensive cosmic rays could easily have destroyed the dna and/or fertility of all dinosaurs, ending their species, while smaller species' would all survive because they are shielded from the rays by vegetation, water (in the case of ocean life), caves, etc.

Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago, so I guess we'll find out if I was right 185 million years from now