>>14167810they cannot yield that 2+2=4
I know that this seems absurd, but they cannot. Why? Because it is a statement of objective reality. It reinforces objectivity. What else is objective? That the tranny is a biological man. Trannies need to subvert objectivity and push subjectivity for their shtick to work. So does the "socioeconomic factors" crowd. That's what the concept of a social construct relies upon. Social construct = subjective construct. i.e society is subjective. There is no society. There is no white race. There is no European. There is no white. There are no borders. All subjective. And because they are subjective, you are further forced to admit that your desire to not racemix is subjective. Being subjective makes it bad and invalid according to the argument. But being a subjective gender out of the "infinite gender spectrum" is not. I know that this sounds extremely retarded, as it is literally a dissonating paradox, but that's what they unironically believe nonetheless. Even attempting to debate them on this flawed unholy ground is already a lost cause. You'd be yielding to the core axioms that they're trying to push, which is why all leftists are so invested into "debating" someone. It's not about the debate. It's about walking onto their ground over which they have complete control as it is subjective and detached from reality, on which ground being objective is bad and criticized perpetually. That's what a debate is. You do not need to debate by mentioning that "Africans have lower IQ". It's a fact. There's no debate around it. The debate, therefor, needs to destroy and subvert the factual statement and prolong the argument into the post-fact field so that their subjective takes are equivalent, or even greater, than the fact itself.
So how do you stop this? There is one simple antidote. Be objective and refuse to give ground to subjectivity. That alone will drive them insane.