>>14171355>Holy fuck, how do people not see what a joke this field is? How does the scientific community allow this to continue?My personal list of reason:
- psychiatrists are technically doctors, so it gives them at least some amount of scientific credibility
- psychiatry abuse is enforced overwhelmingly upon the weaker elements of society, who have no way of speaking against it. Psychiatry is also a very convenient against the dissident element of your society.
- a lot of normal behaviour is pathologized for political and financial gain
- speaking against psychiatry can be construed as mental illness, and nobody wants to be labeled crazy
- our western society is a generator of mental illness
- it's very easy to write a "scientific" psychiatric paper, just make shit up, as long p<0.05 it's all good
- pill pushing
- the standard of evidence is extremely low
- it seems to attract a very specific kind of men, essentially predatory con men who can make a good sounding story. These charismatic men in turn create their own school of thoughts in psychiatry, which operate a bit like cults, and perpetuate fraudulent ideas. Freud is the most famous example.
- there is always a valid excuse for psychiatric failures. The main ones are "Oh, that was in the past, psychiatry is different now" and "Oh, but the human mind is complicated, we can't be beholden to the same standard of evidence of the rest of medicine, and anyway you wouldn't understand. Only I, the psychiatrist, thanks to my experience, which can't be in any way affected by confirmation bias, know the answer "
- and last but not least, you can blame psychiatric conditions for symptoms whose biological cause cannot be found. This is extremely common, so common in fact that even people with known conditions, like diabetes, get the crazy treatment sometimes.