No.14161898 ViewReplyOriginalReport
will heaven become a scientific or capitalistic goal? an afterlife founded through technology, even if it's for money.

One day, humanity will conquer disease, and after that we'll conquer aging, and after that, we'll slough off our mortal coils. No longer tied to location, we'll spread out through the cosmos at near light speed. We'll continue experimenting and theorizing until we've determined the exact limits of knowledge. At which point nothing will remain to explore. Discovery will end. Love will be dispassionate. Hope will be meaningless. Art will have no purpose. Religion will have no transcendence. Having conquered our deaths, but not the universe's, we will enter a collective hyper-ennui and begin the slow somnolent march toward oblivion. The only scintilla of meaning in the last waltz of torpor will be the stillborn wish to have lived and died back when we were made of warm flesh and the gentle lap of sunlight in the summer dusk was enough for happiness.

how likely is any of this?