Starting over

No.14160574 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Senior unifag here. Three years ago I strongly considered adding physics as a second major but narrowly decided against it and (thought) I moved on. Over the past few months I've had a complete change of heart and grown deeply interested in understanding at least basic aspects of physics, and more specifically fascinated by questions related to cosmology. At the same time I've grown less interested in my current majors. It's obviously too late for me to add a major, and outside of astronomy with very limited math I haven't taken any math or physics courses. Am I too late? A few people I've talked with about this suggested applying for undergrad admission elsewhere now or in a few years expressing a change of heart, but even if I did that I'd be nearly thirty with just two Bachelors. Should I just accept that this can't be what I do as a career and can only be an interest or hobby? Maybe better to put in /adv/ but whatever.