No.14160063 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hello 4chin

i need help. I have a meeting coming up very soon with the executive director of my school's Law Analytics program.

My partner and I are undergraduates, me an economics major and him a CS major. I am trying to go to law school. he is trying to get data analysis and machine learning experience under his belt.
What I need is recommendations on where to get started in "data mining and machine learning. Textbooks, recommended online courses.
I have some resources pulled from /sci/ guide, but I don't think it's enough. I have seen that there are some Law Analytics textbooks, but wouldn't know where to trust. My partner is well versed enough in CS that entirely layman resources are not necessary.

I am versed well enough in R and experimental economics to not be totally lost, but I could really use a nudge in the right direction.

For context, I am going to approach this director with the mindset of "hello, we have read your departments papers, understand generally the developments which you guys have made in machine learning/text analysis. and would like to ask that you take us under your wing as undergraduates ready to learn, or guide/help us as undergraduates develop our own journal/papers/club which proves demonstrated interest in the Legal Analytics field.

Would be happy to follow up with more specific examples of the kind of analysis and work that they have done at my institute. Thank you!