No.14158235 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /sci/,
I need a definitive thread on Vaccine induced protection Vs Natural immunity from a previous infection against infection

I'm being kicked out of home as my step mum is paranoid that I'll give her and then by second degree her parents Covid-19. I tested positive just over a month ago, and have been given a 6 month exemption from vaccines by my doctor and government (Australian - one of the strictest vaccine policies in the world). My Dad, and step mom, have vaccine protection (with boosters) but no previous infection.

Sorry for the blog, just wanted to get my bias out there. I'll dump some studies in the post below after outlining my general understanding.

From what I understand, the vaccines are still using the original Wuhan strain of the virus and give your body only spike proteins (which are prone to mutate) and not the virus (which can't mutate(?)). Your body then creates antibodies that are designed to fight those specific spike proteins, but the over lap with the latest strain, say omicron, means they still help in reducing severe disease.

When infected with Covid-19, you are attacked by the latest strain, meaning your antibodies are now designed to fight the latest shaped spike proteins. What's more, since you are attacked by the virus itself, you now have killer T Cells and memory B cells which exist to attack the whole virus itself. These are longer lasting than antibodies, and since the virus itself does not mutate, you receive longer lasting immunity.