Chinese space plane company targets space travel by 2025

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>The Chinese company Space Transportation is developing a "rocket with wings" for space tourism and point-to-point travel.
>"We are developing a winged rocket for high-speed, point-to-point transportation, which is lower in cost than rockets that carry satellites and faster than traditional aircraft," the company said in a recent interview with Yicheng Times.
>The space plane would aim to provide rapid transport between two locations on Earth through suborbital travel and be fully reusable.
The company, whose full name is Beijing Lingkong Tianxing Technology Co., Ltd., revealed that ground tests are planned by 2023 with a first flight in 2024 and a crewed flight in 2025.
>Even more ambitiously, a test flight of a global, or orbital, crewed space vehicle is planned by 2030, the company says. Space Transportation was founded in 2018, according to the company's website.