>>14154386Math is irrational.
P=NP can never be solved because the numerical system is incoherent at P=0 and N=-1.
Here is the proof
Law of explosion says a logical contradiction always leads to a deductive explosion.
x=-x is a logical contradiction.
Arithmetic axioms lead to the logical contradiction x=-x at x=0 because 0=-0.
Arithmetic is a numerical explosion of logic, all statements of truth made by arithmetic are trivial truths among infinite truths because its original number is a logical contradiction.
Physics is an emergent property of arithmetic based on geometry any models produced by physics, such as quantum foam or big bang, rely on arithmetic that is irrational at its core 0=-0 and not an accurate reflection of nature.
at P=0 N=-1 0=-0 which is incoherent, no truth statement can be resolved because paradox, 0 is an oxymoron and -1 is too abstract to actually exist, it just describes something owed and you can't "owe" nature anything if it is just 1 unit of nature with numerous conservation laws.
12th century Logic debunks 21st century math.