reminder that people like this mentally retarded tranny are here to obfuscate, they do not act in good faith. They are the skankiest, foulest, most loathsome creatures you will ever come across. When they use the word "racist" it is just a code for "you are talking about things that fucks with my narrative I am using to try seize power over you." They dont give a single shit about racism, in fact they are the most loathsome, spiteful, venomous racists. "racism" only goes one way for them, whichever way empowers who they want to have power and takes from you and yours. These people will say and do anything and everything they can to take everything you have until you stand up and punch them in the mouth like you have to do to all bullies.
On a positive note affirmative action is being challenged in the courts and the unis an employers will be FORCED to stop giving away what you have earned to these sad sac ks of shit who did not. They ill soon have to sink or swim on their own merits -which is what they are trying to avoid at all costs because they know they are losers and cant compete with competent whites and asians- and we will see just how big the gulf is when they arent handed everything for nothing. (it's not we dont already see, everyone can look around them at the places whites and asians live and the places Negros live, in other countries or in their own country, and the see the difference, it doesnt take a fucking microscope to see it, it is right in front of everyone)
Watch and share this short video about how the (((left))) and their minions lie about Haiti strategy is simple, blame you (white people in general) for every failure of nonwhites all through history so they can loot you for everything you will let them get their hands on. In 8 short years under Obama they have nearly destroyed the most powerful nation in the world with their idiocy and incompetence. They are a swarm of locusts