No.14150124 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I had some dirty fucking takeout (chocolate lava cakes, fair amount of chicken wings, chocolate muffins, 3 energy drinks) and I'm not sure why but now I'm breaking out in hot red itching rashes on parts of my body, red face, and had some consistent, fairly unpleasant watery shits. I think this is my body's way of trying to quickly and urgently get something poisonous out of it, judging by how my anus was desperately dry heaving, only yielding small amounts of water periodically. Thank god I was drinking a decent amount of water so my body was able to use it to get it out.

I've never been known to have any allergies but I'm not sure what it is. Right now it's just really unpleasant itching and the shitting is mostly over. I'm just sort of playing civ 4 and listening to sv3rige ex vegan interviews. Should I go to the hospital? I'm in a country where I don't speak the language (Ukraine) so I don't want to unless I absolutely have to.