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Book list:

-"Book of Proof", Hammack
-"How to Prove It", Velleman


Linear Algebra:
-"Linear Algebra Done Right"
-"A (Terse) Introduction to Linear Algebra"

Set Theory:
-"Naive Set Theory"

-"Foundations of Geometry", Borsuk

Abstract Algebra:
-"A Book of Abstract Algebra", Pinter
-Dummit & Foote
-"Algebra: Chapter 0"

Real Analysis:
-"Principles of Mathematical Analysis", Rudin
-"Understanding Analysis"
-"Counterexamples in Analysis"

Complex Analysis:
-Stein & Shakarchi
-"Introductory Complex Analysis", Silverman
-"Real and Complex Analysis", Rudin

-"Counterexamples in Topology"

Number Theory:
-"A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory"
-"An Illustrated Theory of Numbers"
-"Computational Number Theory", Das

Galois Theory:

Commutative Algebra:
-"Introduction to Commutative Algebra", Atiyah & Macdonald
-"Commutative Rings", Kaplansky

Algebraic Topology:

Differential Geometry:
-"Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces", Do Carmo
-"Differential Geometry and Its Applications", Oprea

Elliptic Curves:
-"Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves", Silverman

Algebraic Geometry:
-"Ideals Varieties and Algorithms"
-"Algebraic Geometry: A Problem Solving Approach"
-"Basic Algebraic Geometry", Shafarevich

Harmonic Analysis:
-Stein & Murphy

Homological Algebra:

Algebraic Number Theory:
-Stewart & Tall
-"Primes of the form x2 + ny2"
-"Algebraic Theory of Numbers", Samuel
-"A Course in Arithmetic"

Representation Theory:
-"Groups, Representations, and Characters", Hill

Category Theory:
-Mac Lane
-"An Invitation to Applied Category Theory"
-"Category Theory in Context"