What if the idea of consciousness is a trick of the ego, and rather than something seeing the sight (for example), the sight is self-illuminating.
What if you aren't the thing seeing the world but you are the world that is "seen"? Or more like there is no such thing as a you at all, just a self-luminous mirage. Which is sort of a total medium ground between Idealism and Physicalism where there is only appearance, but that's full stop. Appearance/mirage without a substance that it appears to.
What if you aren't the thing seeing the world but you are the world that is "seen"? Or more like there is no such thing as a you at all, just a self-luminous mirage. Which is sort of a total medium ground between Idealism and Physicalism where there is only appearance, but that's full stop. Appearance/mirage without a substance that it appears to.