>>14140427Musk is a piece of shit.
He makes a capitalist dependence platform for exploitation. He could have made an electric car but what he made has to be hooked up to the internet, cannot be repaired by its owners, has a continuos monthly subscription, and is never owned by those who buy it. His electric car is just a delivery mechanism for the sale of government electric credits and fuel credits that other companies buy. The car itself makes no profit. He is one notch below a Tobacco salesman or Exxon Oil.
Then he sells the Non-product of the company itself in the form of stock for more than the company will ever make, and uses that money to leverage other non-products of crypto currency, or e minis.
His rockets are just the simplest compliance with his government requirements to which there is no competition since the Russians are assholes, and so he charges whatever he wants.
His economies of scale are to make sure no other companies can enter the battery market and make batteries that are better because they cannot be made cheaper. And when better batteries are made cheaper, he’ll just lower the price, sue for alleged patent infringement, or buy them out.
He cheats his workers who came up with everything he does.