physics and biology

No.14134181 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hello // first post on /sci

science is not something you trust or believe on. science is something you need to observe, test and prove.

More than 25 years ago, the molecular biology teacher at University told us that after studying, everybody realizes of the existence of a creator.
I laughed. I was young.
At that time we did crispr genetic modification of fruit flies (drosophila melanogaster) in the genetics laboratory.

Two and a half decades later I learned many things. I will write a few. We can discuss.

There is no proof of big bang.
background radiation is not related and redshift is not measure of velocity but electrical charge. The singularity is a concept based on impossible physics.
it is not known if the Universe has beginning or end.

Gravity is not constant, it is a consequence of electromagnetism. Planets create their magnetic field through a plasmoid at the core. Metals swirling cannot do that. Venus rotates too slow for that.

The stars dont work through nuclear fusion. They produce a plasma field. The stars are planets before stars. They grow, they capture other planets and stars. They born and die. Solar system captured the Jovian system. Earth and Mars were part of the Saturn system and share the tilt angle. Venus and Mars got too close and the balancing of charges destroyed their surfaces.