>>14132342Instincts don't have to feel good though.
>>14132441>sex is messyYes but the good kind of messy.
>potentially life threatening if you are femaleMaybe a few more tens of thousands of years and evolution might sort it out
>it needs to be strongly incentivized or nobody would do itInstincts don't have to feel good though.
>Look at whats happened since birth control technology has become legally available , a majority of females choose not to reporoducePeople like to have sex. People use birth control because they want to be able to fuck like rabbits without actually reproducing like rabbits. For many people it's easier to use contraception than to practice abstinence. For humans it's interesting because reproduction seems to be more than just about cold hard multiplication. It also plays a role in releasing oxytocin which has many functions like increasing pair bonding, acting as a natural anti-depressant and anxiolytic, increasing trust and prosocial behaviors, an act that brings couples closer together, literally too.
>imagine if all animals had this choice, they would go extinct.But for most other animals it is instinctual. They wouldn't choose to be on birth control because that's the whole point behind their instinct to reproduce. They would have to have a lesion to the part of the brain responsible for that instinct.
>>14132480>female mamals who dont feel sexual pleasure will gravitate towards males to be fucked like a robotLolwut