>>14133138>>14133021>>14133180>be me>be interviewing for job at world leader of lithography systems>get through my presentation, a couple of interviews (format is a series of 2 on 1s after presenting to group)>get interviewed by "PhD" physicist>we get through his questions and there is still a lot of time left>asks me what i think about wave-particle duality>not going to reveal powerlevel, avoid the nature of consciousness and all of the philosophical bs>give him the standard Copenhagen interpretationAnon, particles can interact as waves! The double slit experiment shows this!
>stupid, foreign "PhD" doesn't understand something that any sophomore physics undergrad knows perfectly well>can't correct him unless i wish to say goodbye to potential job opportunityI've met smart foreigners, but I'm pretty keen to the idea that they often use false metrics to pump themselves up, academically, so that they can infiltrate prosperous regions and extract wealth. Nevermind the fact that having a bunch of fake "PhDs" will eventually destroy all of these white companies... the stakeholders are all ancient by now and would rather keep raking in the residue of past success while paying fake pajeets/etc much less than legit smart folks than maintain the legitimacy of their companies.