This thing is called a mathematical operation, Regardless of whether it exists or not, And regardless of every autistic proof of 1000 pages that the answer is 2, The question is, How do you know that the future answer is going to be 2 based on any number of observations or tests from the past? and regardless of it may have a history of 100% being 2 and 0% anything else based on more than 13 billion years of data because this assumption is just dumb because regardless of the real age of the universe, Let's assume that there is a fish and regardless of how dumb it is by falling for the bait and regardless of if someone thinks this is a bait or not and regardless of assuming that the fish can't fail for the bait if it had more information BUT for a fish, according to its observations and tests the bait looks like food and it's 100% safe and 0% anything else based on its large up to date data and age and it knows the solution for that cosmological phenomenon which is to eat it which is, of course, the wrong assumption!