No.14121232 ViewReplyOriginalReport
no political bullshit added, i discovered the formula for training your brain to become dumb.

step 1 drink sugary sodas.
step 2 masturbate to opposite sex
step 3 repeat until noticeable results

that is literally it.

The reverse of this, how to become smart or how i like to say how to force your brain to work is

step 1 masturbate
step 2 stop masturbating when almost reached a climax
step 3 never fully cum

the adrenaline you produce doing this will eventually force the blood to flow into your brain while also making new pathways thanks to not achieving the reward(dopamine in this case)

this also works but takes time, usually only few months to a year.

why isn't this taught in schools really makes me think wtf is actually going on and why is it not taught?