I'm in desperate need of help, /sci/
I need to build a faraday cage for myself to chill inside. I'm extremely sensitive to radiation. They put a 5g tower up near me, and it feels like my head is boiling inside. I'm not joking/trolling. I genuinely need help. I'm staying with my parents for now, because I can't go back to my apartment. I want to build a faraday cage for myself until I can find a new place. It doesn't have to be much bigger than a kennel. If someone can successfully guide me through the process of building one, I'll pay you. I'm kind of a dumb ass, so I need very thorough instructions. I know we like to fuck with each other here, but I really need help. Pic unrelated is my favorite /sci/ thread
I need to build a faraday cage for myself to chill inside. I'm extremely sensitive to radiation. They put a 5g tower up near me, and it feels like my head is boiling inside. I'm not joking/trolling. I genuinely need help. I'm staying with my parents for now, because I can't go back to my apartment. I want to build a faraday cage for myself until I can find a new place. It doesn't have to be much bigger than a kennel. If someone can successfully guide me through the process of building one, I'll pay you. I'm kind of a dumb ass, so I need very thorough instructions. I know we like to fuck with each other here, but I really need help. Pic unrelated is my favorite /sci/ thread