No.14117805 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me, a math major
>Reading a math book
>Civil Engineer friend comes by and sees what I am doing
>Proposes a solution
>I say that he is wrong because he is assuming things that he has not proven first.
>To make him see his mistake with a really simple similar problem I ask him to prove that there are infinitely many prime numbers
>He says that there are infinitely many natural numbers therefore infinitely many prime numbers
>This is so ridiculous but still I want him to better his ways. I explain that if X is any set, Y is a superset of X and Z is a subset of X, if X has infinitely many members you know that Y also has infinitely many members but you don't know if Z has infinitely many members.
>I continue by saying that the prime numbers are a subset of the natural numbers, not a superset
>He says that this doesn't make any sense and goes away

i want to beat the fuck outta engineers