>>14115155It's is the flu, 100%. They are simply giving each new mutation of the flu (something which has been ongoing for millions of years), a scary name to sell vaccines.
There are several smoking guns:
1) in 2020 there were less than 2000 flu cased NATIONWIDE; they will tell you this is because the lockdowns worked, HOWEVER around half the states never locked down. SMOKING GUN.
2) Removing comobdities from covid deaths for 2020 gives the same number of deaths as the annual flu.
3) googling covid cases against deaths in real time, from CDCs own records, shows a Covid mortality rate of 0.01%, the exact same as the flu.
4) the annual deaths per 100,000 is in exact trend the past 3 years as previous years - there has been no unusual increase in death.
Covid IS the seasonal flu and Omicron IS the season cold. Literal fact.