>>14108401Dr. Chud, you're a white nigger. Your mistake was taking your /pol/ LARPs/happenings to the real world. Never do that. The only way to survive falling for cheesy insider LARPs and 6,000 dud happenings is to remain anonymous. Anonymity is your lifeblood.
You're now in a situation in which billions of people are vaxed, including some of your friends and family. You feel so intellectually small around them. They have a mocking squint in their eyes. They make fun of you behind your back. They think you're a mouth-breathing kook who fell for Internet hysteria. All you have now is your /pol/nigger coddle bubble with others like you, giving you an inflated sense of importance.
It was never about the vaxes per se with you anyway, was it? It's been about your Christcuck antipathy to all things science and your anger that Trump was removed in the 2020 election. You have so much intellectual insecurity with the left calling you dumb all your life, and having Trump the "genius" in office allowed you to compensate intellectually with fantasies about grand 4D-chess plans and checkmating of the libs. Now it's all gone, and you're stewing in the juices of your impotent rage as the white-nigger anti-vaxer, miserably trying to get attention from a population that could take 150 boosters without sparing you a single thought, without giving a single shit about you.