>>14110165>seems to be skewed to correlate strongly with GDP per capita. It's already well known that IQ and GDP per capita strongly correlate.
>For example in France 75% of people have completed highscool compared to 30% in Ivory Coast, who probably dropped out to take care of their family. This just comes down to nature versus nurture; does dropping out of high school actually have a long-term effect on IQ or does being a retard make you drop out?
Modern studies show that IQ is mostly hereditary, and that upbringing tends to become less relevant as you age per the Wilson effect.
>Also from my knowledge there is a language component in IQ and obviously all french/english speaking africans are going to be fucked since they first learn their mother tongue before speaking the lingua franca Do you think that they're giving Africans IQ tests in languages they don't understand? Maybe in 1910 that was the case, but modern tests are very careful to avoid cultural bias.
>So have you ever asked yourself the question how does a country deal with so many idiots that probably don't know how to tie their laces properly?No offense, but if you asked the average Westerner what a country composed of complete morons would look like, they'd simply point to a random African nation. Or burgerland I guess.