there is no nuclear fusion in the sun

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Proof #1.
From the media. Juliana Vievering from the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis (USA) and her fellow astronomers said in an article published in the journal Nature Astronomy, "We were able to record the birth of hot plasma at points in the Sun's atmosphere where there are no spots, and where the Sun remains calm". They concluded that "the Sun's corona can be heated to ultra-high temperatures not only by large flares and plasma emissions, but also by the birth of large numbers of small flares that are invisible to us." In the future, they hope to be able to make longer observations and understand how much of the corona heating is due to such flares.

From Vlasov: Explanation. Solar flares are a side effect of nuclear fusion in the solar corona! Solar flares are also a thermonuclear process in the solar corona, but not controlled. And they can only participate in heating up the solar corona if they participate in nuclear fusion in the solar corona, since the initial temperature of the flare matter is equal to the temperature of the solar surface, while the final temperature of flares reaches 1,000,000 K and more.