>>14106792This is silly You can clear argue the same thing for any complex organisation e.g. any organism. More seriously, if we accept the coherence of the putative existence of any whole, e.g. of an animal, we can understand the coherence of the existence of more unstable kinds of wholes e.g. a country. Importantly this is a productive (of further knowledge) way of seeing things.
By the way the analogies between a society and a human body, e.g. by components: health, policing etc. are extremely obvious, and why should they be: societies are subject to evolutionary games. Which by the way DO admit an abstraction e.g. through ideal concepts like judgement.
Really you have not thought about any of this either conceptually or scientifically (
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-equilibrium_thermodynamics) and just like to position yourself as more sophisticated because more sceptical.
In short, you are scum.