>>14104910im mostly shooting in the dark so dont take me too seriously but I have a hunch it has to do with:
A) the average individual isnt very mentally sound at the moment, many people fall victim to very neurotic behavior and its been going on so long its effectively seen as normal especially in certain countries. STEM workers are clearly no exception, I doubt theres a shortage of scientists that are sound in mind and body and its hard to make progress if thats the case.
B) The means of fiddling with instruments or tools has been tampered with, not saying its a good or bad thing but things like chemicals, tools, machines, and others are safeguarded or put behind massive paywalls. Only exception is things like mathematics but its hard to work on cutting edge things when cutting edge requires a lot of setup the average person or even student can easily acquire.
C) This is the biggest assumption Im making so feel free to shoot me down but its based on what I hear from being a wallflower here mainly and what I notice, I don't have proficiency enough to tell myself with most subjects. I hypothesize that a significant portion of the modern work we have is probably founded on some degree of bullshit. We know its true for modern liberal arts and soft sciences, I dont think its too much of a stretch to imagine some sciences have been doing this especially with the ivory towers and destruction of how experimentation and everything is supposed to go and replaced with nonsense paperwork, corruption, and systems that not only never worked to begin with but are horribly out of date.