>>14104960simple; for fractions of NIGGER, you merely write the amount of the word proportional to the value. So, 1 is NIGGER, 1.5 is NIGGER NIG, 1.1666- is NIGGER N, etc.
Now, for values between full NIGGER subdivisions, we can use a period to donate a fraction of that fraction. So, for 1/4th we can have "NIG.NIG". For 1/8th, we can have "NIG.NIG.NIG".
Now, a problem here is that you could potentially have multiple ways of writing a single fraction, so we'll solve that by making a rule that when writing a number you should always prioritize making the string as short as possible, and then secondly prioritize having the early NIGGER in the string as short as possible. So, N.NIGG is preferable to NIGG.N
Now, for irrational numbers we're going to run into the same problems as other number systems unfortunately. .