The way math grading resources are created is almost as mickey mouse as the way money is created by banks.
Schools create math grading resources: the value of those resources are held in degrees granted by the institution.
The math teacher only has the POTENTIAL to fulfill a math grading resource role. A gallon of fuel only has the POTENTIAL to power a car.
A math teacher is not an institution that grants degrees. Your degree does not bear the name of your math teacher.
The motion your motor vehicle makes when it travels does not bear the name of the brand of gasoline or petrol you purchased to power your motor vehicle.
Fractional reserve banking works like this: just fucking give people money. Just make them hand it out. Only sane way to do this is giving loans to honest, hard working people. That's what banks do. They go into a place, figure out who the good, honest workers are, and help them expand their business, trading their ability to hire good people for more money, to be essentially wagered on the reputation of others. That's how banks create money: by essentially giving it to people who are too honest to spend it. It sounds like it would only work for gamblers operating a slave colony...which is essentially the history of the USA
Schools create math grading resources: the value of those resources are held in degrees granted by the institution.
The math teacher only has the POTENTIAL to fulfill a math grading resource role. A gallon of fuel only has the POTENTIAL to power a car.
A math teacher is not an institution that grants degrees. Your degree does not bear the name of your math teacher.
The motion your motor vehicle makes when it travels does not bear the name of the brand of gasoline or petrol you purchased to power your motor vehicle.
Fractional reserve banking works like this: just fucking give people money. Just make them hand it out. Only sane way to do this is giving loans to honest, hard working people. That's what banks do. They go into a place, figure out who the good, honest workers are, and help them expand their business, trading their ability to hire good people for more money, to be essentially wagered on the reputation of others. That's how banks create money: by essentially giving it to people who are too honest to spend it. It sounds like it would only work for gamblers operating a slave colony...which is essentially the history of the USA