So my big "Einstein" moment was realizing that the atom bomb letter was actually written by Szilard. That's the point when it clicked: the genius of Einstein is that he looks like a woolly mammoth, and this just totally hoses any antagonism you have towards the guy. He's a Methuselah.'s at that point you realize the atom bomb was a total set up 100% because the brains behind that letter was a different guy from the face of Einstein, the stamp that went on that letter, that facial impression that has a certain effect on you
Szilard is essentially some terrifying archangel of extraordinary power; it simply wouldn't do for him to be the face of the atom bomb, the bomb had to be a public relations product of entirely artificial design from inception to detonation
and the power of the bomb to induce genetic mutations
that too must have been constrained in a genetic vessel
but how could a genetic vessel have been designed
unless someone knew of the mutational power of the atom bomb
before nineteen forty-five