>>14096346Ethics is the great filter.
>genetically engineer better humans?B-b-but my taboo against GMOs and experiments with humans!!! M-muh god's image!! Don't play god!
>overpopulation and dwindling resources?M-m-muh everyone should have the right to have 30 children they don't have the resources to raise!!! A-abortion is murder!! Contraceptives go against god! Birth control is evil! Gays bad cus no kids!
>Common practices are destroying living conditions?B-but I NEED to drive my gas guzzling shitmobile because GM lobbied against public transport and electric vehicles 100 years ago! I NEED my imported trinkets from across the globe and my inefficient and rare meats! I-I-I just DO, okay!!! Y-you can't take away my right to do destructive shit!
>People becoming stupider?Y-you can't sterilize redneck retards! Y-you can't just sterilize genetic defects! Le ebil!!! D-don't trust intelligence, math or science!!! I NEED the right to spread lies and convince people idiocy is good!!!
>Efforts to fix things are incoherent among entities and always sidetracked or dissolved by private interests.N-noooooooo! You can't take away my individual rights!!! That's le -buzzword-ism!! Le ebil gubmint!! Think of the poor trillionares!