217KiB, 1300x1171, ritratto-di-due-simpatici-bionda-ragazze-scandinave-sorelle-in-studio-insieme-con-la-loro-testa-in-prossimita-gli-uni-agli-altri-dnc4xe.jpg View SameGoogleiqdbSauceNAO What is the scientific explanation for why white females are so beautiful? Anonymous Thu 13 Jan 04:57:08 2022 No.14095180 ViewReplyOriginalReport Quoted By: >>14095226 >>14095256 >>14095260 >>14095283 >>14095288 >>14095291 >>14095296 >>14095317 >>14095489 >>14095535 >>14096508 >>14096515 >>14097059 >>14097917 >>14097982 >>14098223 >>14098696 >>14100504 all non-whites want to copulate with white women because they believe their offspring will be physically superior. This means that white females are universally viewed as beautiful, does anyone have a more complete explanation for this?