Quoted By:
Evolution is the belief system for those who just fall for the official story, and are comfortable there. It’s the easy way out—No Thinking required. I doubt any of you EvoLovers have ever scratched the surface of the topic. If you had, you’d realize how shallow the Theory is.
Evolution “Seems logical,” right? And… “ALL the Scientist agree, ya? I know enough about that topic. Next.” I bet 95% of EvoLovers see it that way. But, why? Because it’s been implanted into your mind, at an early age. Then nurtured, watered, fertilized, grown, by the system that wants to keep you believing that.
But, Why? Two reasons:
1. Money (grants, for scientists)
2. Takes God out of the picture
I can hear your replies already— cuck, sky faerie, tradition, blah blah blah. Typical weak response from beta males who go after the messenger, because you have nothing to refute CREATION by the Creator God.
Take up this challenge: watch the
7-part lecture series:
If you really want to know the reality, check it out. Don’t just spew out your usual invectives, tearing down me, and Hovind. That’s the Weak Beta tactic of avoiding challenge to Your belief system. Don’t splooge all of your reasons for Not watching it.
——> Just Watch It. And Learn.