what happens if
>someone writes on paper and stores it, for it to be read some years later out of storage, possibly in so much time that the original author is no longer alive
>person has some other people read it throughout the year before storing the original
with me being worried about something like (due to the times we live in), someone coming into contact with the paper before it is stored having COVID and the virus being stored, someone many generations down the line touching the paper and possibly getting the virus again?
im worried that we humans wont have an immunity to it, because of how it is being treated
so (and TLDR)
>what happens if COVID is stored for 100s of years
>will it hurt anyone in the future (can it?)
>will the virus just die out if the paper is stored in a disaster-proof way and not a sanitized one?
>is there a way to prevent this, such as by taking the paper out of storage in 4-10 years to re-read and re-store (covering it instead with other germs which we are more used to)/
help me /sci/
>someone writes on paper and stores it, for it to be read some years later out of storage, possibly in so much time that the original author is no longer alive
>person has some other people read it throughout the year before storing the original
with me being worried about something like (due to the times we live in), someone coming into contact with the paper before it is stored having COVID and the virus being stored, someone many generations down the line touching the paper and possibly getting the virus again?
im worried that we humans wont have an immunity to it, because of how it is being treated
so (and TLDR)
>what happens if COVID is stored for 100s of years
>will it hurt anyone in the future (can it?)
>will the virus just die out if the paper is stored in a disaster-proof way and not a sanitized one?
>is there a way to prevent this, such as by taking the paper out of storage in 4-10 years to re-read and re-store (covering it instead with other germs which we are more used to)/
help me /sci/