>>14093456executive dysfunction(misplacing papers, homework, or work or school materials,difficulty with time management,difficulty organizing schedules, trouble keeping your office or bedroom organized,constantly losing personal items,difficulty dealing with frustration or setbacks,trouble with memory recall or following multistep directions,inability to self-monitor emotions or behavior)
+ time blindness/awareness, hyperfocus/obsession
lack of executive function basically means their is no one "at the helm" of your mind, so without anyone running things you are driven and controlled by impulsivity, emotion,....
your dopamine receptors are burnt out so you are constantly find dopamine sources - food, gaming, porn for the short term dopamine hit. If you take something like dexxies you may spend hours upon hours doing something because it "feels good". if you're wanting to coom you will spend hours looking at porn for the right vid/image to set you off.
switching tasks is very hard to do(if its possible at all). if you are in hyperfocus mode you will go until you get sick of the thing you're doing or crash and sleep