TLDR: skip to what I hope is the third paragraph, but is probably just the third break

No.14083763 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /sci/. I need to fix some bullshit I heard from

So there's the guy that spreads some bullshit about the magnetic field making it possible to create technology which can be used to read people's minds. With my own dumb-assery and the determined fervorous psychological manipulation of a troll, for about a minute or so I gave this the benefit of the doubt thinking that its at least an interesting idea, even if the implications of who gets this tech are fucking horrifying which of course lead to me implicitly accepting for a little bit, since its such a tempting thing to think you could have.

Anyway, fun fact: When you're brain learns even false information, if I understand right, it remembers it and checks to see if you have some other narrative that contradicts it. If it doesn't find one, you remember what some random fuck told you provided it fills in the gaps and you might not also simultaneously remember where you heard it. In other words, this stupid old codger has taken a heaping shit all over my brain and now my mind is filled with shit.

So interesting background tangent about the mind aside, is it true that relatives sometimes know when a family member is dying or otherwise in any kind of pain or significant strife? If so, has their been any answers or relatively reasonably speculation as to why this is?

When I try to look this up online, the search terms I use turn up, that at a glance, look like ridiculously spooky shit about whether or not people know when they are dying when I just wanna know about intuition and shit... I want to know some alternative so I don't have to keep remembering shit, thinking its interesting, then subsequently getting extremely irritated when I recall it came from batty old /x/ cunt.

Also, any other stuff about the magnetic field that might make me not remember any of this shit would be appreciated. Took 1 year of physics and although I tried, I didn't learn much because of covid making studying too easy.