>>14085594God is real and he exists in all forms of division and uncertainty is simply a measure of whatever plane defines us like a soap bubble blown inside all other soap bubbles with an infinite value of surface tension, in other words a one dimensional value on a two dimensional surface that is in and of itself, a three dimensional constraint that exists, in contrast to the two previous dimensions inside a fourth dimension which allows all divisions of space to be part of a larger whole which itself is just the same thing referencing itself to be able to be a thing instead of not a thing. Because if it was not a thing that it could not have anything else to compare itself to, in simplest terms, you are you, because you are, you can already say you aren’t because all you know is yourself, but you cannot know something else is yourself, because if you knew, you would not know yourself.
This is why there is instead of is not. You are the core that reality is built upon, there are infinite empty points in space but every single one is ‘full’ of yourself because you and me and everything else that can consider itself part of a set that does not contain all sets has to fill that quantum foam (I use the phrase descriptively not scientifically) and suspend whatever form of set it requires against the inverse pressure of impossibility of the set of all sets.
Ultimately things like quarks in atoms and ourselves are just points of the infinite surface of infinite sets with infinite surface tension meeting the sides of each other.
There is no outside, because the outside would by definition be infinity outside itself, which could not be, because then it would also have to be inside, which it is not, because it is.
There last time something knows where it is because of where it isn’t is where the root actually lies, not the conclusion. There is no conclusion because there always will be.