>>14089254Its just noticing a trend in podcasters in general. I mean think about it: you need some level of narcissism, midwittery, and self importance to sit down in front of a camera and think anyone gives a shit about what you are saying. Obviously these people made the right decision- they make a lot of money out of it (or the ones that are successful do). But when these sorts of people just spout garbage without providing any evidence, links to sources in the description, background to the guests work etc etc.
The actual well researched, interesting podcasts on the web rarely have over 50k views. Take Lex's interview with Wojciech Zaremba- how about some fucking stuff to read about robotics, the current state of AI, neural networks - you know for people who are interested. No, description contains links to twitter and sponsors. No hard info. No effort. Just verbal wank into a microphone for 3h.