Am I the only one who's noticing the increasing cynicism on the internet?
If a thread like this was made 5 years ago it'd devolve into peak soi circlejerk but no, it's full of cynical contrarianism.
And this happens with every topic by the way. I began noticing the trend last year and it's only getting worse. Example, everything is criticized on /sci/ and liking science is now soi. On /g/ the culture did a 180 and no one likes thinkpads anymore and people shit on distros and so on. /lit/, /tv/, /pol/ - you get the idea. People just don't care about anything anymore and would rather resort to mocking it and devaluing it than appreciating it. Another example, which is what actually made me notice this. The alien psyops. Had the navy released it just 10 years ago, everyone would buy it hook line and sinker. Now? Severe cynicism to the point that not even the schizos buy it. No one talks about aliens. Anywhere. Try to bring up the released footage and you will be mocked and people will call you a retard who fell for the bluebeans psyops.
I think that this is a sign that society is collapsing. On one hand this is radical mistrust, not only of the above but of vaccines, the economy, the politics, the function of democracy. You can see this everywhere. On the other it is also nihilism. People don't care to care so they resort to the cheapest way they can interject into the conversation which is to mock it. The manners of 20 years ago are literally extinct, there's no such things as manners or moralities in the zoomer generation. It's just nihilism and then you swap to satire and then back to nihilism and it doesn't matter whether you're being rude because there's no such thing as being rude anymore. Like half of this thread mocking "redditors who find math beautiful" in a very rude way for no reason. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do that, I'm saying that this didn't exist in the internet of early 2000s. Something changed. People became like this.