>>14090323>I only value my survival partlyYes, they only have partial militaries to partially defend their survival which they partially care about you fucking donkey. Which is why the USA had a draft to protect their survival from the dangerous Vietnamese threatening their survival from the other side of the globe lmao. This also implies survival and self-expression are diametrically opposed. Just admit you're a fucking moron completely out of their depth.
>>14090344>Also this is a completely stupid argumentIt completely shreds your crackpot theory because the example of a society having opposite levels of self-expression in two different aspects of life is extremely problematic for the implication that societies are wholly "individualist" or "collectivist." It's not black and white but more gray with a lot of nuance.
>Anyone who has ever even set foot in Japan would never make such a braindead argument that actually it somehow is an expressive culture, despite overwhelming social pressure to conform. Not evenAww you can't read can't you. That must be rough :(
I literally said in my post
>the most rigid social structureIf you take a look at their porn, Western porn is extremely vanilla and constricted in comparison. Even their cuisine is much more self-expressive. Their entertainment culture is also very diverse and expressive. East Asian culture in general. But in work, school, public, family it is very conformist.
>is an argument against it. For one it's literally run by the yakuza blah blah blahLmao triggered weeb. You will never be Japanese. Either way my point stands that self-expression in a society can have multidimensional variation. "Individualist/collectivist" theory is dogshit. A way for simple-minded /pol/tards to help understand this big and scary world.