1) The "fermi paradox" is not a paradox at all. Its more
"Why is reality not like all these fictional movies I watch ?"
And this does not a paradox make.
2) The "fermi paradox" is simply retarded. For multiple reasons. People who talk about the "fermi paradox" like some great thing (not the shit that it really is) do not understand how reality works or how time works or how euclidean space works.
3) most of these fags not knowing it get their assumptions from movies and fiction, them being surprised that reality is not star trek only shows they need to rethink their life.
What makes you think the universe should have more then 1 civilization (us) ?
>Muh billions of inhabitable planets
Evidence for that ? You see; no evidence you simply pulled out of your ass that the universe has all these inhabitable planets. Everyone can guestimate I guestimate that a planet like earth forming (gravity is not to great or to little and distance from star is in the life zone) is less then 1 in a googloplex. See I also can throw around big numbers.
Also time
>Hey if aliens are hostile where is their killer armada ? Check mate !
Killer armada en route, will arrive in 250 years.
>Hey if aliens are hostile where is their killer armada ? Check mate !
>If aliens are real why do we not see them ?
Contact armada en route, will arrive in 300 years.
>If aliens are real why do we not see them ?
These fagots do not understand how time works.
"Why is reality not like all these fictional movies I watch ?"
And this does not a paradox make.
2) The "fermi paradox" is simply retarded. For multiple reasons. People who talk about the "fermi paradox" like some great thing (not the shit that it really is) do not understand how reality works or how time works or how euclidean space works.
3) most of these fags not knowing it get their assumptions from movies and fiction, them being surprised that reality is not star trek only shows they need to rethink their life.
What makes you think the universe should have more then 1 civilization (us) ?
>Muh billions of inhabitable planets
Evidence for that ? You see; no evidence you simply pulled out of your ass that the universe has all these inhabitable planets. Everyone can guestimate I guestimate that a planet like earth forming (gravity is not to great or to little and distance from star is in the life zone) is less then 1 in a googloplex. See I also can throw around big numbers.
Also time
>Hey if aliens are hostile where is their killer armada ? Check mate !
Killer armada en route, will arrive in 250 years.
>Hey if aliens are hostile where is their killer armada ? Check mate !
>If aliens are real why do we not see them ?
Contact armada en route, will arrive in 300 years.
>If aliens are real why do we not see them ?
These fagots do not understand how time works.