>>14078577The most plausible answer is the hardest one for most people to swallow:
https://patents.google.com/patent/US20200027921A1/enYes, the microchip.
Maybe not MIT’s syncells exactly or exclusively, but graphene-based tracking devices or imbedded system that transmits data at the microwave frequencies of 5G networks.
Too much evidence - including how possible it is, how well funded it is, and how fitting of the timeline it is - makes it statistically improbable to not be happening.
I understand that the average NPC is programmed to think saying 2+2=4 is insane.
It is disheartening,
the only silver lining is that even when you can’t rationalize with them, you can still spice up the puppet show by showing one of the uppity puppets it’s strings.
Usually it stills says exactly whatever the hand up it’s ass wants (usually nothing), but results vary slightly.