>>14072961Lorentz and Poincare (and others at the time) came up with the transformation matrices as a way of solving EM field invariance (translating electric and magnetic fields for observers in different inertial reference frames while keeping the physics intact). The reason Einstein gets as much credit as he does is because he took things more than a trivial step forward - he showed that
A) You can rederive the same transformation laws from a completely separate postulate (constant speed of light, which hinted at the inherent relationship between light and electromagnetism),
B) You can apply the transformation laws to kinematics and develop relativistic equations to describe forces and Newton's Laws, momentum and collisions, work and energy, etc for objects at high velocity.
C) Results of these transformations, like length contraction and time dilation, are not meaningless mathematical artifacts as Lorentz and Poincare initially thought, but physically real phenomena that have important impacts on the physics of light and matter.
Saying Einstein stole relativity from Lorentz and Poincare is like saying Newton stole the laws of motion from Galileo.