No.14072351 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the scientific implications of a complete reversal of conventional mainstream thought? That is to say, what are the consequences when some of the greats end up being so dramatically wrong about certain hypothesis that it casts doubt on the rest of the community as a whole.

For example : Under the normal scientific method test and retest allows for mistakes, it allows for overreaching hypothesis to be tested and removed from the cycle. It's not an issue to be wrong and to rule out wrong hypothesis.

So what happens under the "cult of science" method which has become more and more popular in the modern era... We've all been there in a junior chem lab, knowing that our partner is a hung-over idiot and knowing that the level of ASA in the aspirin that you just tested clearly cannot exceed the weight of the tablet itself... So what happens...There are ways to bring your results in line with the conclusion that you are wanting to see... And sure certain actual scientists would look to analytical methods to exclude their own results from the group in order to maintain integrity... but that is (sadly) a rarity in the modern world.

So what happens when the community turns away from the proper scientific method and chooses to "trust the science" and yet there is a massive unforeseen (or negligent, or criminal) error...

What does a cult do the next morning, they wake up after drinking the punch and find out that 80% of the members are dead... Will there be apprehension towards the leader? Will there be inquiry?

This is clearly a novel way of doing science, so I ask to this board... What is the penalty for hijacking the scientific method (For any reason) and being grossly wrong.