>>14071834>Why the christian god? Because it's the same God from the Old Testament and hence the same from the Torah, I'm not christian though, at least not in the usual sense.
>If you were born in india, would yoy still be christian?Interesting question since there are christians in India and there are atheists in christian societies.
I don't know preciselly what makes someone recognize the Torah is the truth and stop with their idol worshipping so i can't say I would be righteous if I were born in india with an enviroment of pagan religions.
What I do know is that people are presented opportunities to be righteous or impious, so I would be given a chance to choose whether to continue (if i ever started) worshipping hindu gods and bathing in poop or not, would I choose correctly? Hard to tell, I can't say what another person would do.
I can say how I reached the conclusion Judaism is true (or at least most of it, modern circumcision and rabbis sucking baby penises are not true to original israelite practices).
After concluding there must be some creator that is unbounded by reality, as reality cannot be uncreated and therefore eternal (because nothing in reality is eternal or uncreated, so the set of all created and temporary things, reality, cannot be uncreated and eternal), I reasoned this creator God could possibly still care about the creation since He cared enough to create it. I attempted sincere communication with God knowing full well I could be ignored the entire time. I asked for things, for answers, for help.
Eventually concidences started happening too often or things that shouldn't happen by probabilistic models would happen, then i got a miracle.
I started taking God more seriously then, I tried to obey the Old Testament as orthodox jews teach to see what would happen, putting my trust on God, as they say, having "emunah" and "bitachon".