>>14070279Things interact and there's a delay until that interaction shows up as an external property like temperature or voltage. Without this delay, there are not two independent bodies interacting, just one. The big takeaway is things use their internal configurations as a medium of interaction. This shows up as a speed limit of interaction. What's happening is internal mediums are interacting and external properties are catching up to reflect that.
>>14070661A particle is anything with an definite start and an definite end. Heat goes in to something. The frequency of emitted light, or color, stays the same a little bit. There's a definite start and a definite end on the thermometer for each color. That's a particle. That particle interacts no slower than the that delay, the one between internal interaction and change in external properties. It must be going the speed of light.
Resist the brownian interactions of everything. Interact with other things yourself. That's the minimum to exist. The photon does that, but it's interactions are from another thing's interaction. It has no mass for something else to change it, it must only do one thing and it must go at the speed of light.