No.14069902 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Most studies show calcium efflux caused by microwave exposure. I.e. cell towers or wifi routers, both 24/7 emittance regardless if there is a connection ongoing or not. These studies even go back to 1979.

I bet calcium is protecting us to the exposure. Which shows without that calcium store/overhead, then we would face huge amounts of oxidative stress. Enough to really fuck our brains up in the long term. Also since microwaves effect the brain in a major way.

So this majorly consumed element that is calcium i believe is just about keeping the rich bastards behind telecomm afloat.

But calcium levels though rampant in the modern diet isn't always going to be apparent in our body or apparent in all areas in the body at all times. Which could lead to a rollercoaster of oxidative stress levels.

I think, the issues are clear, microwave levels billions (for those near a cell tower or wifi), millions to hundreds of thousands times higher than natural microwave levels is of course taxing our body, to keep on top of its bullshit persistence via, luckily for the telecomm world, a common dietry intake - which is probably how mostly negative biological evidence has stayed on the lowdown since the 1980's.