>>14074980>The side-effects occur vastly more regularly than the 'intended' effects and from this we can concur they are misnamed in an Orwellian fashion to disguise torture drugs.Can't name a single side effect from taking Qetiaipine and Aripiprazole on a short-term as-needed basis. All it did was stop the hallucinations. Aripiprazole is actually a partial Dopamine agonist, even. Never had limp dick from SSRIs, either. Anecdotal, but like I said, I'm just reporting my personal experience. Ok, maybe dependence (for sleep) on Quetiaipine for long-term usage.
>They do not. Rather they just sedate the individual to the point they are no longer able to truly express anything related to them. Some more than others. Qetiaipine is quite sedating and kinda nice for sleep even at low doses. Aripiprazole, not at all. Antipsychotics in particular are bag grab of substances that work because of who the fuck really knows for sure, other than where they bind and sometimes not even that.
>Yet they increase the rate of suicides.IIRC that's because they tend to increase drive and motivation before they start affecting mood. That also doesn't happen with ketamine, which basically cures depression in 10 minutes after snorting a barely psychoactive 20mg dose. Lasts for weeks or months, too. For me, anyway.
>These drugs are known to cause harm and intended to cause harm. Psychiatry has a history of lobotomies, castration, abuse and suffering from their own mental illness.If they cause harm to you, stop taking them or don't take them in the first place if that makes you feel better? Try something else until you find something that works. If nothing helps, well that sucks, I guess. But there is so much to try that it's unlikely nothing we know of wouldn't work for any particular individual to some degree. It might require some research, willingness to try stuff (plenty if you want to shoot yourself, guaranteed) and some self-medication. BTW, fuck the FDA. They can suck my dick.